Don’t let your brand hold you back

It’s not always easy to admit when your logo might be the thing holding you back, but that’s just what happened with Farbest.
This premier food and nutrition ingredient supplier wanted to freshen up its look with a new website and trade booth design for the upcoming year, but the new designs being developed looked dated because of the old logo. So we had to break it to them gently.
Nobody wants to hear that their brand is looking a little old. Just the thought of all the collateral materials that would need to be updated was daunting. But when given the opportunity to see how far the designs could go without being tied to the logo, Farbest understood what needed to be done and was excited to get started
We started by prioritizing and updating the laundry list of collateral materials, from sales sheets, business cards and letterhead to email templates and landing pages. Within the year, we had a modern new logo designed and approved, along with a new preliminary color palette. The designs for the booth were completed and the website has been launched.
The result? Farbest couldn’t be more pleased. And we were right there with them to walk them through the process, one milestone at a time.